Black Natural Hair no matter the texture already loves moisture. A Kin to a beautiful plant, if natural hair goes without moisture, it will shrivel up and die. H20 and Deep conditioning your natural hair is a given, but more so in the winter.
How often should you deep condition natural hair in the winter?
Scientifically speaking, the winter air is naturally dryer than the summer air because colder air can not generally hold moisture like hotter air (cue in the imagery of how your hair would look after you got a fresh silk press and then walked outside in the Texas, Florida, South Carolina, or Georgia heat).
Consequently, winter air has a lower rate of humidity, which is why our skin may get drier in the winter as well as our hair. To combat this, typically in the winter for natural hair it’s best to deep condition your hair with a quality deep conditioner, such as Sydney Nicole Products;
1. Rosemary and peppermint herbal conditioner
2. Deep conditioning, protein, treatment
3. Fresh avocado and aloe vera deep conditioner
Deep conditioning your natural hair at least once a week with these conditioners will not only add quality ingredients to your scalp & hair strands, but they also will help your hair retain more moisture during the cold winter months, along with aid in hair growth and scalp renewal.

Tips on Deep Conditioning Your Hair
1. Make sure you start on detangled and cleansed hair. Take a mist water bottle with a little conditioner,(add a little Organic Hair Growth Oil if your hair is really dry) spray hair and part in 4 sections, detangle with a wide tooth comb.
2. Apply Your Choice of Sydney Nicole Products Deep Conditioner Depending on your hair Situationship. ( If You Need Help You can schedule a personal consultation or check out my YouTube Channel For a Ton of Free advice.
3. If you are dealing with CCCA alopecia use a plastic cap and you can wrap your head with a microfiber(or Cotton) towel to draw the natural heat from your body for your deep conditioning process. If you are not dealing with CCCA alopecia or any type of hair loss issue you can use a hooded dryer on the lowest heat setting possible with plastic for 15 minutes.
4. After 15 minutes under the hooded dryer on the lowest heat setting (or if you are using your own body heat and the plastic cap/ microfiber towel however long you want to keep the conditioner on your hair you can do chores around the house or whatever you may be doing) rinse the conditioner out of your hair and style as needed with recommended products on the website depending on your styling options.
5. Repeat weekly during the winter months. In the summer months you can resume deep conditioning every 2 weeks.
I hope these tips helped and comment below how often you usually deep condition your natural hair in the winter months. 💗