The Symptoms of CCCA Alopecia are Itchy Scalp Burning Scalp Tenderness and Pain Bumps and Scaly Scalp Click The Video Below to Learn More👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾
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Free Shipping! On Orders $150+ Hand Crafted Formulas Made With Love.
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The Symptoms of CCCA Alopecia are Itchy Scalp Burning Scalp Tenderness and Pain Bumps and Scaly Scalp Click The Video Below to Learn More👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾
As you may be aware, diabetes and insulin resistance is running rampant in the United States of America., In fact, I have personally lost my Mother, Grand Mother, and other family members to this d...
Well is there? The answer is...Maybe they are related. I say this based on a study published out of John Hopkins University on A correlation between CCCA Alopecia and fibroids among African-Americ...
My client has been using my products since 2019 and she lives in Europe. She was misdiagnosed with traction alopecia but the products got her back in the game! Watch the video until the end! Pictures include it.
We are in a time where we are looking for convenience and when looking at coconut oil how much more convenient can you get? From cooking to skincare to now haircare…..SERIOUSLY, does it get any be...
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Native to the Mediterranean region, this woody perennial has been used as food and medicine for centuries. Much like oregano, peppermint, and cinnamon, rosemary is frequently found in essential oil...
Since beginning my line I have since seen an increase of store bought products that claim to be using African Black Soap in their products. Known as Black Soap, it is harvested in Ghana and other ...
Many of us are raised with the hands of others in our hair, which gives us the temporary security of knowing that our hair is in good hands but what happens when we get to a point in life where th...