Diet and Hair Loss……Let’s Talk About It 📣

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I get the question all the time, can diet and what we put in our bodies be related to hair loss? The answer is simple, YES! It has been proven that there are several factors that can cause inflammation and other adverse effects that can be directly related to hair loss….LET’S TALK ABOUT IT!! 


I guess it’s true… are what you eat! We have to remember that they food that we eat isn’t just feeling our bellies but also other bodily functions and processes as well, just in that statement alone we should understand the importance of high quality ingredients BUT what if I told you it goes even deeper than that? There has been research conducted to really look into the things that contribute to hair loss or hair damage, so let’s talk about a few of those things:


  • Dairy

Remember, dairy contains a certain amount of fat in it, which increases the testosterone levels in your body. High glycemic foods increase testosterone secretion. When looking at pre-existing conditions such as dandruff, eczema, or psoriasis, then consuming dairy products will aggravate the effects even more.

  • Sugar

Now this one is a tough pill to swallow but sugar is also a problem. While it seems like sugar can be found in practically everything, we have to notes it negatively affect hair because it causes poor blood circulation. When looking at poor circulation, it becomes difficult for the blood and nutrients to reach all the way up to your hair follicles. Excess also causes inflammation which can cause tingling and burning sensation resulting in hair loss.

  • Refined Carbs

Now if anybody loves carbs, it is ME but high intake of refined carbs like breads, cakes, pastas, pizzas, and other refined carbs block your defenses against stress and contribute to inflammation in the body and ultimately hair loss and damage.

  • Go Easy On the Grease

No we can agree that let the REAL cooks in our families tell it…..a little grease never hurt anybody but we now know that to be incorrect. Greasy foods can negatively impact your hair. The scalp releases an oily substance called the ‘sebum’ naturally that provides moisture to the skin on your scalp as well as to your hair but in excess can make it difficult for your hair to grow.

  • Carbonated Drinks

Now, I wont tell you how many soda withdrawal headaches I have had in my life but I understand now that really can do damage to my health AND my hair. Carbonated drinks (like soda) interact with the insulin in your blood and make it less responsive to sugar leading to an increase in the sugar in your bloodstream, which later goes on to hamper your blood circulation and lower the nutrient supply to your hair follicles; causing hair loss. 

  • Alcoholic Beverages

Now we are not surprised by this one but alcoholic beverages as alcohol dehydrates your hair. What happens to hair when it is dehydrated? It becomes brittle, leading to damaged hair. Alcohol also diminishes the zinc levels in your body which negatively impacts the volume and growth of your hair!


This was a lot of information and I do not want anyone to panic…..there is always an upside which is to be mindful and cognizant of what we are feeding our bodies and hair! I recommend an anti-inflammatory diet to address inflammation in your body from the inside out:). Should you have any questions, please never hesitate to contact me to schedule a personal consultation or even purchase the Anti-Inflammatory Diet for Beginners to assist you in transitioning to a diet to better suit your hair and scalp needs!


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