Protective Style: Turbans and Headwraps

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Tribe Bonnet Head WrapProtective Styles have really gained popularity within the decade and have really been embraced by the many. Originally a cultural statement, turbans and head wraps are staple pieces within both religion and fashion.

When looking at hair and scalp issues, turbans and head wraps can be seen and used to cover problem areas as well as protect and maintain hair growth. Wearing turbans and head wraps protect both the hair and scalp from the elements (wind, rain, heat) and prevent damage from exposure/over-exposure.


Protecting the hair and scalp from the elements also protects from  pollution, dirt, and foreign substances that may be floating in the air; ensuring that the hair remains moisturized. Ultimately, head wraps and turbans serve as a shield and help keep your hair hydrated, soft while acting as a subtle statement accessory to add to your look. You can wear it in a variety of styles that fit you. 


Turbans and Headwraps negate the need for excessive tension, over manipulation, and heat which also have negative effects on the hair.

Assuring your hair is allowed to breathe when not wearing the head wrap or turban will assure your hair will begin to grow fuller, thicker, longer and healthier!


Tutorials for headwraps and turbans can be found on YouTube and products to assure you maintain the health of your natural tresses check out our Satin Lined Bonnet Head Wraps:





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