Protective Styles.....Let's Talk About It!!

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When looking at “timeless styles” we could go on forever discussing various styles but let’s talk about PROTECTIVE STYLES! Protective styling is the ultimate “go to” when looking at wanting to grow hair, wanting styles that require low manipulation, or just wanting a quick style to give your hair a break! In this series, I would love to look at protect styles and how you can make the styles work for you on your hair journey:).



While wigs allow you to be as versatile as you are in your daily wardrobe, the options are endless when looking at wigs! BUT although you may not see wigs as a protective style the way your hair is positioned underneath is where protective styling comes into play. While you may incorporate the wear of wigs into your daily routine, it is imperative to maintain and take care of your hair underneath of your wigs to assure your hair is taken care of when the wig comes off.

Underneath the Wig: Be sure that your hair is not braided too tightly and be sure to wash, condition, and moisturize your cornrows. Be sure you are washing your wig caps weekly to eliminate dirt and debris building up on your scalp.

Products Line Up:
⁃ Wash: African Black Soap Hair Growth Shampoo

⁃ Condition: Hair growth Conditioner with Peppermint Oil

⁃ Moisturize Your Scalp: Organic Hair Growth Oil

⁃ Relieve the Itch: Scalp Soothing Mist

DO NOT FORGET: You do not want to neglect your hair under your wig as it can dry out and break creating more damage. Keeping your hair in wigs without taking care of your natural hair leads to a perfect storm of excess hair loss and breakage. Avoid using wig glue and adhesive on your wigs as it can cause damage to your scalp and edges.


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